It's a scam

Tuesday October 6, 2020

My daughter's 4th birthday is this month. I saw an ad (probably on Facebook) for a baby shark toy that had a motion sensor so that when you moved your finger towards it's face it would turn and try to bite you or if you had it on it's back and tickled it, it would wiggle like it was laughing. The price for the toy was around $36 which I thought was reasonable so I clicked on the link, went to the store website, added the toy to the cart but had a little trouble checking out because only Paypal was accepted and I didn't remember my login information at the time so I decided to buy the toy later.

I got a reminder email that I had an item in my cart to check out so about a week later I clicked on the link in my email and the website was no longer active. I did some follow up on that and found out it was a scam website to begin with. I got lucky that I procrastinated and didn't provide my Paypal login information when it was fished for.

OH! And the toy in the ad was fake too, it doesn't exist.

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